Akhenaten: Egypt's freak, worlds defying, traditions overthrowing Pharaoh:
was he the direct predecessor of today's "modern" religions??!
The misshapen Pharaoh overthrows 3,000 years of Egyptian custom and worship:
he proudly portrays himself as a freak with long neckline, exaggerated breasts, elongated head, wide hips and swollen belly; with a narrow protruding chin on a long, narrow face & with slim shoulders melding in to long, thin arms and fingers -
- all feminine features that fly in the face of thousands of years of Egyptian culture,
traditions that demanded that the Pharaoh's be portrayed as resolute warriors,
ready to lead armies off in brutal campaigns to the edge of empire in defense of all that as good and holy in Egypt.
And in worshiping the sun-dusk, from which the rays of the sun wash over him from above in this relief image carved in stone (below), Akhenaten not only threw out and insulted the thousands of priests of the temple of Amun and all the other gods in the Egyptian pantheon,
but - as a real-life predecessor to the only mythic, legendary figure of Moses,
...Akhenaten became the one and only figure through whom his people could worship
"the one true god"
- a blood-drenched, brutal, ruthless, conformity demanding tyrant and iconoclast, world changing rebel at the same time.
Akhenaten's overthrowing and destruction of the gods, temples, and icons of the Egyptian pantheon, would be a direct predecessor of the kings, priests, rulers, and leaders of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam destroying "pagan" temples, eradicating "idols" and "graven images,"
and religiously purging - killing - those who would not bow down to the new belief system...
Whereas there is NO archeological evidence - or corroborating historical messages from any neighboring cultures about the lives of Abraham, Moses, Joshua... or Jesus...
these historians and archeologists present us with vivid, intimate, rock-solid proof of Akhenaten's reign... from his youth, to his winning the crown of Egypt, to his, "EXODUS" like leading his people in to the desert to create a new city where nothing stood before...
a fantastic real-life history story, that shatters the conflation, anachronism, and mythic basis upon which the brutal "Noahide" religions - Judaism, Christianity, & Islam -
or Abrahamic monotheist faiths are based...
"Was Akhenaten a religious fanatic... or was he the forerunner of [Abraham, Moses, and] Christ?" !!!
Could it be?! Could today's punishment, vengeance, revenge, and retribution based religions (Judiasm with it's jealous, intolerant god loathing & despising "idolaters"; Christianity with it's judgement and eternal damnation; Islam with it's obsession with destroying & overthrowing infidels, "dar al-Islam")
be based on the REVENGE FANTASIES of a misshapen young boy... who because of his freakish body was KEPT OUT OF the rituals, religious processions, and religious celebrations that all the rest of his family, including his sisters, participated in?!!
EXCLUDED from those rituals, processions, and celebrations by the High Priests of the Temple of Amun (including his older brother, the Crown Prince) as a young boy,
Akhenaten would HAVE HIS REVENGE when his older brother died, and he became the next in line: for he would OVERTHROW not only the cult & Temple of Amun, and its thousands of priests...
by as Pharaoh, Akhenaten would OVERTHROW the ENTIRE EGYPTIAN PANTHEON,
ALL the temples, priests, and traditions that had held sway for thousands of years in Egypt!
In making his "Aten" or sun-god the one and only god of Egypt, Akhenaten made it a CRIME for any and all of his people to worship their accustomed gods, even in the privacy of their own homes!
Another fantastic angle to this story is how Akhenaten, although first in line for the throne of Pharaoh when his older brother died prematurely, was not the only possible successor: his father had other sons by minor wives in Thebes. But Akhenaten's MOTHER would be the decisive force pushing him to the throne - yet again, in Egyptian and world history, we have the wishes of a powerful mother OVER RULING the entire nation's hierarchy and "establishment"!
(Pharoahs Khamose and Ahmose's mother would lead the fight against the Hyksos invaders; holding the regency after first her husband, then her son Khamose died in battle against the Hyksos; and holding the Egyptian army and opposition together until her younger son Ahmose came of age and finally defeated and expelled the Hyksos; and Queen Hapshepsut would likewise hold her empire together while her step-son, Thutmose, would learn the arts of trade, diplomacy, and war when he finally assumed the throne.... but only when his stepmother passed away (from a fatal tooth infection, at that), long after his father died (and he "should" have inherited the throne.)
The same amazing, astonishing story - of a Pharaoh overthrowing the entire culture and religious belief system of all his people, of his entire nation and empire -
told from vantage point of his consort, Queen Nefertiti's powerful role in her husband's hierarchy confronting, priests overthrowing, worlds changing reign....
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